
In terms of gender equity Cameroon lags well behind the Sub-Saharan African average, but some of its neighbours and nearby countries are even in a worse condition.

In terms of gender equity Benin lags well behind the Sub-Saharan African average, but some of its neighbours are even in a worse condition.

In terms of gender equity Sri Lanka is the second best among South Asian countries, but the region presents the widest gap among all regions on Earth.

In terms of gender equity Pakistan is in critical condition. This South Asian country is far below the already dim regional average, and its only neighbour with a wider gap is Afghanistan, the nation in worst situation in the entire world.

In terms of gender equity Nepal is in a worst condition than its neighbour China, although better than India, and above the South Asian average, which is already the lowest among all regions in the whole world.

In terms of gender equity India is in critical condition. The South Asian giant is below the already dim regional average, and its only neighbour presenting a wider gender gap is Pakistan, one of the countries in worse gender situation in the entire world.

In terms of gender equity Bangladesh is in far better position than its neighbour India, and above the South Asian average.

In terms of gender equity Afghanistan is the country in worst situation throughout the entire planet. The country’s condition is far worse than those of the rest of the countries in South Asia, a region already presenting the widest gender gap on Earth.

In terms of gender equity the situation of Yemen is critical, second only to Afghanistan in the whole world. Yemeni women suffer are the most disenfranchised out of all women in the Middle East and North Africa.

In terms of gender equity Morocco is below the Middle East and North African average, and in far worse situation than all of its neighbours. Morocco’s is one of the largest gender gap in the region.

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