Social Watch Report 2014
- Prologue: Monitoring is only meaningful if the powerful are held to account
- Means and Ends: The messages from the country reports
- Core Principles, Universal Goals
- Means of Implementation
- Eradicating poverty by lowering the bar
- Gender Roundtable: What are the key gender justice issues today?
- Privatizing the Post-2015 Development Agenda
- Righting Finance
- Crisis of confidence
- “Big data’: threat or revolution?
- Challenges of the Arab Region: The difficult Arab transition
- The Post 2015 Agenda and Women’s Participation in Politics in Latin America: The Path Travelled and New Challenges
- Social Watch: Promoting accountability
- Afghanistan: No sustainable development without access to quality education
- Armenia: We have not won poverty but poverty won us
- Azerbaijan: Long-run policies towards social and economic development
- Bahrain: Wrong governmental reactions to a just cause
- Bangladesh: Are MDGs an adequate mean to end poverty?
- Belgium: L’aide publique en temps de crises : se replier ou coopérer ?
- Cameroon: Les cibles nationales des OMD sont loin
- Canada: Living cutbacks
- Chile: Avance hacia los ODM y demanda social insatisfecha
- Congo, Dem. Rep.: Seulement le but de la lutte contre le VIH / SIDA est proche
- Costa Rica: El amargo sabor de la piña
- Cyprus: Lifelong learning and the post-MDGs agenda
- Czech Republic: The Czech Republic is heading into a deadly spiral
- Dominican Republic: La pobreza y las inequidades persisten, a pesar del compromiso
- Egypt: Two years of January 25 revolution
- El Salvador: Programas sociales exitosos, pero económicamente insostenibles
- Finland: New global development agenda should shake the structures of impoverishment
- Ghana: Some steps forward, some steps back
- Hungary: Facing the Abyss
- India: Progress towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals 2015
- Iraq: Political rows, insecurity and lack of data hinder development efforts
- Italy: A country in coma
- Korea, Rep.: The government needs to improve social and gender policies
- Lebanon: Lebanon in the heart of the storm
- Malaysia: The longest year
- Malta: The Goals that Malta want to achieve - Ends
- Mexico: Es impostergable revisar el paradigma de desarrollo desde el enfoque de los derechos humanos
- Nepal: The long road to achieve the MDGs
- Nicaragua: El cumplimiento de los ODM en peligro inminente
- Paraguay: El tortuoso camino hacia el cumplimiento de los ODM
- Peru: Perú avanzó algo, pero no lo suficiente
- Philippines: Poverty and Inequality: After the rhetoric of the past, a look into the future
- Portugal: Development cooperation strategy and more social protection is needed
- Serbia: Good targets, out of sight
- Slovenia: Gotovi ste! - You’re finished!
- Somalia: Progress towards the MDGs
- Sri Lanka: Ecological agriculture is the way out of poverty
- Switzerland: Switzerland's commitment to the MDGs
- Tanzania: Poverty reduction initiatives continue questionable
- Thailand: Energy inequity making Thailand’s national development unsustainable
- Uganda: Bad governance and corruption frustrate achievement of MDGs
- Venezuela: Menos pobreza, igual calidad de vida
- Zambia: Achieving the MDGs: Progress and Challenges
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