Sesión de estrategia de control ciudadano

Crisis económica y oportunidades para Poner a la Gente Primero en Casa y en el Extranjero


Social Watch strategy session on opportunities to hold the US/multi-lateral organizations accountable to int’l human rights, poverty eradication and gender justice obligations.

Información del Taller
Fecha de Evento: 

Jue, 06/24/2010 - 10:00am - 12:00pm

Local del Evento: 

Woodward Academy: 1470

Descripción Entera: 

Social Watch works to hold governments, the UN system and multi-lateral organizations accountable to their international human rights, poverty eradication and gender justice obligations at home and abroad. Social Watch - U.S. is hosting a briefing/strategy session on the role that Social Watch plays around the world and to identify emerging opportunities to advance work to address the economic and financial crisis in ways that advance human rights, social and economic justice and bridge the domestic and international contexts. Bring your experience, ideas and vision to help inform Social Watch's agenda for the coming months and years.

Nombre de el/la organizador/a : 

Tanya Dawkins

Correo-e de el/la organizador/a:

Nombre de la Primera Organización Responsable: 

Global-Local Links Project



La Solidaridad Internacional y Responsabilidad: construyendo una respuesta unificada a las crisis mundiales

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