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Published on Mon, 2024-09-16 09:28
On the eve of the Summit of the Future to be held on September 22-23 at United Nations headquarters in New York, Global Policy Watch has launched today the Report “Future of Global Governance: Perspectives from Global South” on views from developing countries on the key issue of the Summit, the reform of global governance, its rules and institutions. |
Published on Fri, 2012-08-03 14:23
NÁVOD KE HRE: Závery Svetového summitu sociálního rozvoje a Svetové konference o ženách z roku 1995 byly v roce 2000 na Summitu tisíciletí potvrzeny 189 hlavami státu a lidstvo zapocalo svuj závod s casem o odstranení chudoby, dosažení rovnosti mezi pohlavími a splnení Rozvojových cílu tisíciletí do roku 2015. » |
Published on Fri, 2011-01-21 07:00
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Hundreds of civil society organizations from around the world have endorsed a common statement which includes the following substantive paragraphs: We are facing a global systemic crisis, which originated in the rich countries of the North, their unsustainable consumption and production patterns and the irresponsible economic behaviour of their dominant social actors.
Published on Mon, 2010-07-12 09:37
Finances are usually explained in water metaphors: money "flows", benefits from growth "trickle down" to the poor, capital "leaks" out of countries to tax havens… From a first glance at this construction, most people will see a waterfall, in the very same way that most of the public in rich countries thinks there is an enormous flow of their tax contributions to poor countries, in the form of aid, loans, trade benefits and frequently talked about debt cancellations. If poverty still persists it must somehow be the fault of the poor people themselves or their governments. |
Published on Thu, 2009-12-03 08:34
"The Earth is blue" said Yuri Gagarin in 1961 when he glimpsed the planet from the sky during the first manned space voyage. This social world map sizes countries according to their population and colours them according to their rank in the Basic Capabilities Index. Countries in blue provide their inhabitants with a minimum level of social services, while at the other extreme, countries in red face critical situations of deprivation. The colour scale of the circles shows degrees of progress towards gender equity. The governments of the world have agreed to achieve a set of basic standards known as the Millennium Development Goals by 2015. Once these goals are met, all countries should be coloured green or blue. Yet, at the present rates of progress 70 countries will miss the goals ten years from now and at least 25 will still be red. » |
Published on Tue, 2009-12-01 08:34
Gender equality in a partnership for poverty eradication |
Published on Mon, 2009-11-30 08:34
This report is the fifth in a series by the Women's Environment and Development Organization (WEDO) assessing governments' progress in implementing the commitments they made to the world's women at the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women that met in Beijing in 1995. It consists of reports from women in 150 countries representing every region of the world. Their realities often contrast sharply with the official reports of their governments |