Social Watch E-Newsletter - Issue 201 - February 6, 2015

Issue 201 - February 6, 2015

Post-2015 and FfD3: Debates Begin, Political Lines Emerge


2015 is a pivotal year. The post-2015 sustainable development agenda currently being drafted is premised on the reality that the present model of development is not working, given worsening inequalities and straining planetary boundaries. All countries and peoples and the planet on which we depend have the right to live with a better model, one that is inclusive and sustainable.

An increasingly urgent imperative for change informs the two-track negotiations unfolding at the United Nations from now until September. One track involves the post-2015 sustainable development agenda; the second focuses on financing for development, an independent process that began at the 2002 Monterrey Conference. While the two talks are separate, the issues in each are deeply interlinked, and the success of any new model depends on the outcomes of both. The political stakes are high, but so are the opportunities perhaps once-in-a-generation for genuine transformation. Read more.


UN Financing for Development negotiations picking up speed


Despite snowstorm warnings and ice-cold temperatures in New York, the Financing for Development (FfD) negotiations managed to pick up speed when governments convened for the first drafting session at the end of January. They are currently negotiating the outcome of the upcoming Addis Ababa Conference on Financing for Development, which will take place on July 13-16 this year, and is planned as a key milestone ahead of the Post-2015 Summit and the UNFCCC Climate Conference later this year.
Read here Eurodad reports.

  The Arab world between responsibility and accountability
Photo: ANND.

The Arab NGO Network for Development (ANND) organized, in cooperation with the CSO Partnership for Development Effectiveness, a sub-regional workshop held in Beirut, Lebanon on January 24 and 25, 2015 for the Levant states. This workshop, aimed to assess and determine the mechanisms and prospects of accountability for the various parties involved in development, be they governments, donors, civil society organizations or the newcomer, i.e. the private sector. Sessions focused on two issues, accountability and the civil society working.
The workshop was attended by representatives of organizations from Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Bahrain, Iraq and Palestine. Read more



CELAC Summit (Telesur TV).

The Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), inaugurated in Venezuela in 2011 and comprising all 33 nations of the region, held its third summit in San José, Costa Rica on 28-29 January 2015. The summit also marked the handover of the Presidency of CELAC from Costa Rica to Ecuador. CELAC is an important example of a developing country forum. It serves as a mechanism of dialogue and political coordination. Read more



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