SOCIAL WATCH E-NEWSLETTER - Issue 118 - February 15, 2013

Issue 118 - February 15, 2013
Social Watch Report 2013

Nepal: The long road to achieve the MDGs

Making livelihood after taking construction training.
(Photo : RRN)

Evidence in Nepal suggests that the root causes of the political conflict include not only the severity of poverty and inequality but also the sense of entrenchment - that opportunities are limited or non-existent for the poor to climb out of poverty.

Therefore, addressing constraints on the inclusiveness of development is critical in order to make a real difference in the lives of Nepalis and reduce the risks of instability.

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Finland: New global development agenda should shake the structures
of impoverishment

The Finnish government wants to be an accountable member of the international community, but its political will to be so does not always transpire. Finland has not, for example, been able to reach the 0.7 % target for its development funding. On the other hand Finland's current Development Policy Programme is positively founded on a rights-based approach. The challenge for Finnish civil society is to compel the government to improve its international performance.

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Costa Rica: The bitter taste of pineapple

Pineapple in Costa Rica.

Costa Rica has an outward image of sustainable country, committed to the environment; but the inner reality is very different.

The tension between conservation and productive activities cause increasing social unrest because of land use. As an example of (un) fulfillment of the Millennium Development Goals we address the case of agroindustrial production of pineapple, which has been besieging communities and protected areas, and displacing traditional crops of nourishing importance.

The technological package of agrochemicals used systematically is causing great concern, as it causes contamination of water sources. Between 2003 and 2009 there were more than 120 complaints against pineapple production before the Environmental Administrative Court and the Ministry of Environment, Energy and Telecommunications. Read more



The Synthesis Report of Global Public Consultation is based on and reflects an extensive global public consultation, held from September 2012 to January 2013. The Consultation process was co-led and facilitated by UNICEF and UN Women.

On-going guidance and extensive contributions were provided by the Advisory Group for the Consultation, drawn from civil society organizations, UN agencies and academic institutions.


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Made possible thanks to the funding and support of Oxfam Novib and the Flemish North South Movement - 11.11.11.
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