No to the coup d´etat in Honduras! For the reinstatement of President Zelaya

Foto: Centro de derecehos de mujeres

Since June 28, Honduras has been immersed in a deep political crisis, which was the day in which the Armed Forces – backed by right-wing political parties, the business sector, the Supreme Court, the Catholic Church, and the majority of the mass media – committed a coup d´etat against the elected President Manuel Zelaya.  At the moment that the coup d´etat took place, President Zelaya had an approval rating of close to 60%. 

After the coup, human rights violations, restrictions of basic liberties, and restrictions to press freedoms, have been everyday occurrences. Social Watch Honduras is comprised of grassroots organizations that promote womens´ rights and gender equity. These groups have been mobilizing actively against the coup d´etat from a gender-based perspective.

For more information see: Centro de Estudios de la Mujer-Honduras
Feministas en Resistencia (Feminists in Resistance, a coalition of hondureñan feminist organizations opposed to the coup d´etat):

