
In terms of gender equity Italy lags behind the European average, and also behind some of its neighbours.

This is made apparent by the publication of the Gender Equity Index (GEI) 2012, published by Social Watch on the eve of Women’s International Day, March 8.

In terms of gender equity Germany places itself well above the European average, but below the Nordic countries and Spain.

In terms of gender equity France places itself above the European average, but behind most of its neighbours.

In terms of gender equity the Czech Republic places itself at the European average, but below some of its neighbours.

In terms of gender equity Cyprus lags well behind the European average, and also behind some of its closest neighbours.

In terms of gender equity Bulgaria places itself above the European average and above all of its neighbours.

This is made apparent by the publication of the Gender Equity Index (GEI) 2012, published by Social Watch on the eve of Women’s International Day, March 8.

In terms of gender equity Belgium places itself above the European average, and its only neighbour in a better situation is Germany.

In terms of gender equity Azerbaijan lags behind the European average and also its European neighbours.

In terms of gender equity, Albania is at the bottom of Europe. This is made apparent by the publication of the Gender Equity Index (GEI) 2012, launched on the eve of the International Women’s Day by Social Watch, an international network of civil society organizations with members in over 70 countries in all regions.

In terms of gender equity Armenia lags behind the European average, but is in a better condition than its European neighbours.



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