Fear and Want. Obstacles to Human Security: 2004 Social Watch report was launched in New York

Social Watch Report 2004 was launched in a press conference that was broadcasted through the Internet last April 26th.

Social Watch was launched on April 26th in Conference Room 5 in UN building, at 3 PM.

Speakers at the event were: Roberto Bissio (SW Co-ordinator), Rehema Kerefu (Social Watch Tanzania, Tanzania), Ziad Abdel Samad (Executive Director of the Arab NGO Network for Development, Lebanon) and John Foster (North- South Institute - Social Watch Canada, Canada).

A press conference was held immediately after, at 4 PM, in the UN Press Conference room.
The event was announced in the UN Journal last April 26 and broadcasted through the Internet.

Speakers at the press conference were: Jagadananda (CYSD, India), Leonor Briones (Social Watch Philippines, Philippines), Simon Stocker (EUROSTEP, Belgium), Ziad Abdel Samad (ANND, Lebanon) and Areli Sandoval Terán (Equipo Pueblo, Mexico).  

United Nations WEBCAST

26 April 2004

Press Conference: Millennium Campaign will launch the Social Watch Report 2004 entitled "Fear and Want: Obstacles to Human Security", there were five speakers at the briefing. [Webcast: Archived Video - 18 minutes]

