Thailand: Marginalised populations on the Post 2015 Development Agenda

The Report Collecting Inputs from Marginalised populations on the Post 2015 Development Agenda says that in the last 15 years in Thailand there has been improvement in some important social services, such as education and healthcare, and people have grown more aware of their rights. However, rapid economic growth also widened the gap between different parts of the country and groups of people in the society, leading to marginalisation and growing disparities.

For many of these people life became more insecure: loss of source of livelihood (job, land, access to natural resources), identity crisis, deterioration of social relations, and disempowerment. This has been attributed by many to the economic development approach adopted over the years, which led to the commodification of natural resources and food. In parallel, public sector governance structure did not allow for significant people’s participation in the policy and decision-making processes at the local level. This will to be more self-reliant and empowered is well exemplified by the high priority placed on good education, better healthcare and an honest and responsive government, according to the choices in MYWorld survey, across all groups.

Based on rich discussions held with the different groups, CUSRI has put forward the following recommendations which would help consider the conditions of the most vulnerable and marginalized as a part of Post-MDG agenda:

  • People should be placed at the centre – including human development, human rights and human security concerns which would support efforts to end discrimination in access to social services and welfare and guarantee a minimum social protection for all and promote caring society.
  • Targeting ‘Social Equality’ - a critical challenge in Thailand where most of the MDGs are already met at the macro level. In other words, basic welfare and quality services should be available to all and equal opportunities to advance and contribute to the society they live in should be provided.
  • Promote bottom-up policy-making – participation of targeted beneficiaries in development policy-making process is a key to success. Global and national development agendas need to be contextualized through local engagement, nurturing local associations and setting up open ‘policy platforms’.
  • Focus on ‘Sustainable Development’ which builds on local knowledge and ensures a balanced society-nature approach, not based only on market-led economy, but taking into account all dimensions of society, including gender, private/public sector, civil society, and community/individual rights.

Download the Report Collecting Inputs from Marginalised populations on the Post 2015 Development Agenda.
Social Agenda Working Group (national member of Social Watch) collaborated in this project.

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