
Members of civil society organizations that are part of the Social Watch Network were invited to participate at six thematic roundtables that were part of the UN "MDG Summit" that took place 20-22 September 2010 in New York.

The UN High Level Plenary Meeting on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) gathered Presidents and Prime Ministers around the world to review efforts to combat poverty during the past decade and discuss the next steps to follow at a time of an unprecedented combination of global crises (climate change, food, energy, financial and economic).


Release of 2010 Social Watch Report

Social Watch, an international network of non-governmental organizations that monitors how far governments are fulfilling their commitments to end poverty and gender discrimination, will release its critical report: AFTER THE FALL: TIME FOR A NEW DEAL on Friday, Sept. 17 at the United Nations.

Next September the presidents and prime ministers of the world will meet in New York to assess a decade of antipoverty efforts and discuss the way forward in moments of unprecedented combination of global crises in climate, food, energy, finances and the economy.

Source: ITUC

The International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) is calling on governments to commit to introducing a financial transactions tax (FTT) at September’s United Nations Development Summit to help tackle global poverty and accelerate action on jobs and climate change.

Source: Business Mirror

“Stop making highways that lead to nowhere and waiting sheds waiting for no one” said former national treasurer and lead convenor of Social Watch in The Philippines, Prof. Leonor Briones, who advised lawmakers to align their pork barrel (goverment funds allocated to legislators for local projects) to achieve the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) that eradicate hunger and poverty in their respective areas of jurisdiction.

Source: SODNET

SODNET, the focal point of the Kenya Social Watch coalition, is part of the civil society team that has been actively monitoring Kenya's constitutional referendum on August 4, 2010, which is a key step towards the consolidation of democracy in the country. 

Source: Third World Network

By Maria del Mar Galindo

New York, 1 August  - With five years until the 2015 deadline to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) launched in 2000, governments are at a crucial stage in preparations for a summit meeting of the annual UN General Assembly in September.



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