Spotlight on Sustainable Development 2016

Table of contents

Download the full report here (pdf version), for chapters see below.

Part I – Overview
The 2030 Agenda – a new start towards global sustainability? (en Español)
Jens Martens on behalf of the Reflection Group on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development 
Box: The Sustainable Development Goals (en Español)
Reports from the bottom up: “The road is hazy and full of obstacles” (en Español)
Roberto Bissio, Social Watch
Part II – Spotlights on the SDGs
The new goal on poverty: A welcome paradigm shift
Roberto Bissio, Social Watch
Box: Leaving no one behind calls for far-reaching changes in the way development agencies operate
Xavier Godinot, International Movement ATD Fourth World
Towards the transformation of our agricultural and food systems
Lim Li Ching, Third World Network
The “Health SDG”: Some progress, but critical concerns remain
Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era (DAWN)
Access to quality education, the new paradigm
Jorge Osorio-Vargas, Professor at the Escuela de Psicología, Universidad de Valparaíso (Chile)
Box: Stop funding for-profit private schools
Overcoming Global Structural Obstacles and Preventing Negative Spill-over Effects for Realizing Women’s Human Rights
Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era (DAWN)
Whose rights to water will the 2030 Agenda promote? 
Meera Karunananthan, Council of Canadians, in collaboration with Devin Tellatin and the NGO Mining Working Group
Energy at a crossroad
Niclas Hällström, What Next Forum
Box: The Africa Renewable Energy Initiative
Decent work for all by 2030: taking on the private sector 
Matt Simonds with substantial inputs from Paola Simonetti, Yorgos Altintzis, and Theo Morrissey, ITUC
Industrialization, infrastructure and clean technology: at the heart of structural transformation but blocked by binding constraints in the international free trade regime
Bhumika Muchhala, Third World Network
Will inequality get left behind in the 2030 Agenda?
Kate Donald, Center for Economic and Social Rights (CESR)
Towards a New Urban Agenda 
Daria Cibrario, Public Services International
Corporate capture subverts production and consumption transformation
Chee Yoke Ling, Third World Network
Box: Tinkering with “sustainable or eco tourism” hides the real face of tourism
Anita Pleumarom (Tourism Investigation and Monitoring Team) and Chee Yoke Ling (Third World Network)
The Climate Change Battle in Paris: Putting Equity into Action
Meenakshi Raman and Chee Yoke Ling, Third World Network
Box: A Civil Society Review of INDCs
Policy choices for helping or hindering the poor
Christine von Weizsäcker, Ecoropa
“There can be no sustainable development without peace and no peace without sustainable development” 
Robert Zuber, Global Action to Prevent War
Box: Implementation of SDG 16 vital for the Middle East and North Africa
Ziad Abdel Samad, Arab NGO Network for Development
Beyond the current means of implementation
Stefano Prato, Society for International Development
Box: Domestic Resource Mobilization and Illicit Financial Flows
Dereje Alemayehu, Global Alliance for Tax Justice
Box: Multi-stakeholder STI Mechanisms at the UN: Fad or Trap?
Neth Daño, ETC Group
International Trade and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
Ranja Sengupta, Third World Network
Box: TTIP – a threat for the 2030 Agenda
Hubert René Schillinger, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Geneva
Part III – Measures and indicators
SDG Indicator Framework: Counting the trees, missing the forest
Barbara Adams, Roberto Bissio and Karen Judd
Box: Beyond GDP in Italy
Towards a 2030 Agenda Dashboard
Roberto Bissio, Social Watch
National reports are being published weekly.
 ARGENTINA (en español)
 EL SALVADOR (en español)
 GERMANY (in German)
 GUATEMALA (en español)
 HONDURAS (en español)
 MEXICO (en español)
 PARAGUAY (en español)
 PERU (en español)
 SPAIN (en español)
List of Tables and Figures

Spotlight on Sustainable Development 2016

Report of the Reflection Group on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
Published by Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era (DAWN), Third World Network (TWN), Social Watch, Global Policy Forum (GPF) and Arab NGO Network for Development (ANND)
ISBN 978-3-943126-27-3
Beirut/Bonn/Montevideo/New York/Penang/Suva, July 2016

